ZAPI AC-2 AC2 Inverter FZ5197A-INV FZ5139 FZ5140 FZ5182 48V 450A AC Motor Controller For Electric Stacker Electric Palle
The AC-2 Inverter is suitable for reach and counterbalanced trucks with single or twin drive motors, high level order pickers and tow tractors fitted with asynchronous motors up to 9kW.
Power section
Power supply: 24V, 36V, 48V, 72V, 80V, 96V
Maximum current:
(24,36V) 500 Arms (2’)
(36V, 48V) 550 Arms (2’)
(72V, 80V) 500 Arms (2’)
(96V) 350Arms (2’)
Continuous output power:
(24V) 5000W
(48V) 6500W
(80V) 9000W
Ambient Temperature range: -40°C +40°C
Maximum heatsink temperature: 75°C (starts to reduce current)
Dimensions: 200x230x111 mm
Connector: Molex Minifit
Protection class: IP54
Available with 20mm Al base plate or with finned heatsink
8 Digital inputs (input range -Batt ÷ +Batt)
2 Analog inputs (input range 0 ÷ 12V)
1 Analog input: motor temperature sensor
1 Incremental encoder port
2 Outputs driving to -Batt
Flash memory embedded
Can interface
Serial link